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Product information
The following links will take you to the product sections with details such as model number, description, features, dimensions, weight and an individual picture of most items:

document shredder | office furniture | other products

Ordering instructions
Please find below our general ordering instructions applicable for most procurement transactions (incl. GSA and open market items). If product and/or price details are not available herein - you may wish to send a request for detailed information to Intraco by
eMail. Thank you.


All purchase orders shall be sent directly to Intraco as Contractor and shall preferably contain the following information to ensure prompt processing and delivery of products ordered hereunder.


Purchase order
- GSA contract number (if applicable), purchase order number and date of order
- ordering activity (including geographical address)
- purchasing agent`s name and civilian telephone number (plus fax number and eMail address, if available)
- information regarding the marking and documents required for the shipment of the order
- shipping instruction (geographical "ship-to"-address, required shipping method)
- item number and description
- quantity, unit and total net price in Euro and/or U.S. Dollars for each item
- electrical current requirements for the equipment ordered (voltage, cycles, phase - i.e. 220V/50c single phase)
- applicable accounting/finance office (for invoice and payment matters), if different from ordering activity
- other administrative requirements (i.e. number of invoice copies, if more than one copy required, etc...)


Order acknowledgement
Normally, Intraco will acknowledge all orders by fax message within ten days after receipt of the order. These order confirmations will be send to the activity placing the order and shall contain information pertaining to the procument action, such as prices anticipated delivery date, etc... 

SAM.GOV Reference information


Invoices shall be prepared and submitted in duplicate (one original and one copy marked as copy) to the appropriate Accounting and Finance Office (if different from ordering activity) or to the ordering office. Intraco`s invoices shall show invoice date, GSA contract numner (if applicable), purchase order number, description of items, unit and quantity prices, extended totals.


Foreign taxes and duties
Intraco`s prices do not include any tax, duty, customs fee, or other foreign governmental costs, assessments, or similar charges from which the U.S. Government is exempt. Such charges from which the U.S. Government is not exempt shall be separately stated on the contractor`s invoices and the Government either agrees to pay such charges or will provide necessary evidence to prove exemption therefrom.


Intraco will make delivery on the day stated on the purchase order to the destination address stipulated in the order confirmation. Unless specified otherwise, the delivery time confirmed to posts is normally the date of departure of the goods from our freight forwarder`s warehouse. Please allow for travel time of the merchandise depending on the shipping itenary and shipping method. 

Intraco will make shipping arrangements by air, road, rail or parcel service on a worldwide basis and as specified in the purchase order. Depending on the location of the manufacturer`s factories and the terms and conditions related to the individual products delivery will be made


F.O.B. destination, F.O.B. U.S. Despatch agents, F.O.B. ELSO Antwerp, etc....


Please refer to the price lists available at posts or request update information by preferably eMail or fax from Intraco.


Inspection and acceptance
Inspection and acceptance of the goods will be made at the final destination by an authorized United States Government representative.


Payment and prompt payment discount
The Accounting and Finance Office cited in the purchase order is responsible for making payments of our invoices to Intraco. Unless stated otherwise, the due date for the payment by the designated payment office shall be the 30th day after the designated billing office has received a proper invoice from the contractor or after the Government`s final acceptance of the delivery performed by the Contractor - whichever is later. 


For all purchase orders under the GSA-contract for paper shredders a prompt payment discount of 2% shall be deducted from the invoice amount for payments made within 20 days of the invoice or receipt of the delivery - whichever is later.

Payment by Government credit cards will be accepted by Intraco. 


Payment in U.S. Dollars will be accepted by Intraco, provided that prior to placing the order the ordering activity and Intraco have agreed upon the total order amount in U. S. Dollars and/or the applicable exchange rate to be used for this procurement transaction.


Please contact Intraco for any further information, which may not have been covered herein. Thank you.




document shredder | office furniture | other products



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Tel: +49 221 6804032 - Fax: +49 221 685514 - eMail: klausgerhardt@kginfodesign.de